Balloon Dragon
- 15 multicoloured linking balloons
What you need:
- Hairdryer or
- Retort stand, boss and clamp
- Permanent markers
- Gaffer tape
- Balloon Pump
- Inflate 5 balloon
- join the balloons together so that they form a wiggly line.
- Use the marker pens to draw a face on your dragon – you can use our template or create your own design.
- Now tie the head and tail together so that it makes a ring.
- Use a retort stand, boss and clamp to hold the hairdryer in place.
- Angle the hairdryer so that it is about 5 degrees to the vertical.
- Switch the hairdryer on maximum blast.
- Hold your dragon in the air stream and release.
- Change the angle if needs be.
If you don’t have a retort stand – the hairdryer can be taped to a table – find the angle that allows the dragon to spin and fly before you tape it into place!
If your dragon is flying too high add another balloon into the ring.