Science2Life’s Science iT! Activities take everyday life objects, toys and knick-knacks and turns them into fun, innovative science projects.
In this activity Scientific Sue uses a tub of bubbles, a pipette (as a blower) and a glove to create bouncing bubbles!
Create your own magically bouncing bubbles with this bouncing bubble kit!
This super bouncing bubble kit is the perfect gift idea – a must for Christmas stocking fillers and party bags!
Great indoor and outdoor activity.
Be fascinated and amazed!

Lucy Carrol, 7, assisting at Sue McGrath’s, Science of Bubbles Show, at the annual Science and Technology Fair as part of Science Week Ireland, in the Institute of Technology, Sligo, yesterday.
Photo: James Connolly
- 1 x bottle of bouncing bubble solution 50 ml
- 1 x magic glove
- 2 x pipette blowers
- 1 x 30 ml measuring cup
- Open the tub of bubbles and carefully remove the plastic seal with a knife or scissors.
- Carefully pour 10 ml of bubble solution in to the measuring cup.
- Put on the magic glove.
- Dip the wider end of the pipette into the solution and then slowly blow down the pipette to form a bubble the size of an egg.
- Gently flick the pipette so that the bubble starts to fall to the ground.
- Catch the bubble.
- Repeat, this time bounce the bubble.
- Let’s investigate:
- What is the maximum number of times you can bounce the bubble?
- What happens to the bubble if your upward pushing force is too big?
- Will you bubble bounce on other types of material? Wool, sweatshirt material, cotton, rubber glove, hand etc
- Does the size of the bubble affect the number of bounces you can make?
- Can you use any liquid soap to form bouncing bubbles?
Ordinary bubbles go pop! Our super bubbles do not!
Safety notice: It is recommended that all young children should wear safety goggles when playing with bubbles to prevent any soap splashes going into their eyes.
What to do if a bubble bursts in their eye:
Rinse eyes with lukewarm water with one of the following methods:
- Pour a gentle stream of water from a jug or clean teapot over the eye from the inside corner by the nose, across the eye, flowing out towards the ear.
- Eye may be irrigated in the shower if this can be accomplished without delay.
- Young children may be wrapped like a mummy in a towel with arms at side and held over sink or tub or laid on counter during flushing.
Warning: Slipping hazard. Clean up any spillages immediately.
Science2Life’s Science iT! activities and programmes
Children love to be engaged in learning, especially through interactive projects that they can really get involved and be hands on with.
Science2Life’s Science iT! activities and programmes are part of our STEAM Academy. The activities use everyday life objects, toys and knick-knacks and turns them into fun, innovative, hands-on experiences designed to encourage children to:
- discover the amazing world of science and engineering
- to perform engaging activities that show how science and engineering is at work in their everyday lives
- to foster a lifelong love of science and engineering
- to give a basic grounding in scientific concepts and scientific thinking
- to increase children’s motivation to learn and
- enhance their perception, creativity and logic.
Hands-on learning is learning by doing.
Children involved in our ‘Science iT!’ activities and programmes are introduced to various STEAM learning methods and activities. Our creative programmes involve learning activities that require active thinking and experimenting to find out how things work. We all know how curious children are about the world around them and how they love using the word ‘why?’
The aim of our activities is to provide optimal learning opportunities that strategically help children grasp mathematics, engineering and science concepts.
The inclusion of the arts component into STEM makes it more fun to learn, and more approachable to children.
Art education allows children to learn things in a more open-ended way and make them applicable to real life.
Links to the curriculum
All of Science2Life activities can be used to entertain children – however they have been created with the curriculum in mind, so are perfect activities to generate mesmerizing examples of the topics they can be used to explore.
Plus our Science iT! activities can up scaled-up to be used in workshops within the classroom, for festival and birthday celebrations, which provide opportunities for children to collaborate on initiatives, explorations and creations.
The idea behind our Science iT! activities is to ignite children’s natural innate curiosity about the world around them (and the items in it) and to channel their enthusiasm for scientific discovery as early as possible.
Currently Science2Life have the following Science iT! activities:
- The Magical EVANESCO Spell
- The Magical AMORTENTIA Spell
- The Super Bouncing Bubble Kit
- Make your own Fossil Kit
- Colour Changing Bracelet Kit
- Pneumatic Monsters Activity
- Creative Circuits
- The Magical Wandarama
- Gone Fishing
- The Jitter Bug
Each of the above activities can be turned into a workshop programme! Interested? Give us a call!
Note: All of Science2Life’s STEAM ACADEMY shows and workshops are designed to not only motivate and fire the spirit of discovery within your children but also ignite curiosity in their minds.
For more information on our shows visit our website: